Skalkaho Chapter 5: The Rendezvous Breaks

The brief camp at Mud Creek has run its course and the couple had to move towards its objective, the Blackleaf rendezvous. A story had to be told and its lie had to be convincing. Running Eagle's life would be in jeopardy if Skalkaho was called out on his story. 

The fear level rose in the early morning of the second day on the trail. They would pack the best of the bear onto the two horses as a key part of the story. Skalkaho had about five hours before arriving at Blackleaf. Last night was an unexpected conundrum. It didn't go well as he had wanted. Running Eagle was a far more complex native woman than the white women he had occasioned to impress. The usual boyhood suave did not make a dent in her attitude. No smiles came early as they prepared to leave. It was the only sign from Running Eagle he could interpret as a positive message.

She measured a man’s actions over anything he could contrive. The more he tried demonstrating his trapper skills at camp, around the horse or even acting trail savvy, the more she became disinterested. Skalkaho couldn’t break her code of human relationship. He had to go back 16 hours and think of what made her smile. Then he was looking for the right answer and it was packed on the horses. It was the bear incident that made her smile. His aim with a firearm wasn’t the issue, it was how he saved and protected her that made her respond. All the courting an impressive showing off made her withdraw from his attempts. It was down to the reality that made her pleased the most. This was going to be hard since there were only so few real opportunities in a short amount of time before he entered the Blackleaf rendezvous.

There were only so many rattlesnakes and bears on the trail that would convince her of his net worth as a human. Skalkaho just had to wait until an opportunity arose before sealing any deal with Running Eagle. She at least knew Skalkaho was not barbaric with his treatment of woman. Skalkaho had to be his true self and the rest would be a natural process. There was no showing-off in front of this beautiful Indian maiden for making this deal a solid outcome.

Skalkaho thought “damn, I’ll have to commit to her before he could enter the trapper’s camp.”

The bear incident was just showing his potential as a warrior. Now he had to show his true character before the plan would work. That plan was only thought of two days ago in a drunken stupor. Now he is married to a warrior princess with the blessing of the Blackfoot chiefs. Any bears running by at this time would not do a thing to convince her of his worth. He needed a bad man in his face to make the point for Running Eagle's desire's signaled from her smiles. Could she count on Skalkaho when everything was going against him and his goals as a trapper? 

Commitment is a trapper’s dirty word when coming to a relationship with a woman. Either he would go into Blackleaf or they would come after them in a most indefensible situation.

Skalkaho had to go into Blackleaf without an actual plan. He also had to convince the trapper’s to leave the area and earn Running Eagle's respect for his character at the same time. He had no idea for accomplishing either condition. His wit left him. Now his clumsy character had to solve the dilemma.

After about two hours into the five-hour ride had passed, there was some time to find his true character for Running Eagle. On top of the next bench, he could see a whiff of smoke rising above the terrain south about five miles distance. That was the rendezvous spot where his trial would be held. The outcome would change Running Eagle and Skalkaho’s life forever.

Rendezvous Camp Near Blackleaf and Choteau
Image result for Blackleaf Montana campground

A Meadow Lark perched on a jutting rock called out a melodic song as the horses passed from its perch about fifty feet away. The Meadow Lark song and the afternoon sunlight made for a most pleasant moment. Thinking that this happy time may be his last, a troubled Skalkaho wrestled with his conscience. He hadn't come up with anything that would suit all his judges. Once again Running Eagle was going into harms way without her knowing it. The bear attack was only a sampling of what may happen.

The campfire smoke rising became the dominant feature ahead instead of the rugged mountains which began making a shadow at its tree line. The trappers knew he was coming by this time and he had company riding by his side. The rider's formation informed the camp a partnership had been made since it was not in single file where one was leading the other in some sort of hierarchical order. The Blackleaf bench was open in all directions where no trail path existed. There would be no surprise coming from any angle in daylight. It was an excellent setting for a rendezvous. The final mile out from the camp was Skalkaho's most troubled as final thoughts raced through his mind without any continuity. It was a jumbled mess without any conclusion, he was in big trouble.

A Frenchman, Jacques, and an Englishman called Smiley, was the appointed leaders from about a dozen trappers. They stayed in the background. Only the new members of the group came forward at the edge of the camp. It was a relief that only the newly formed trappers of the group greeted them first. The wiser trappers of the group may have challenged their approach with a cautious warning of target practice from a quarter mile.

Skalkaho swung his arm in the air as a hailing motion. It was clear to everyone it was Skalkaho and it appeared he was in control only having one rider at his side. The noisy chatter from the trappers erupted as everyone became relaxed. Skalkaho was grateful they had passed the first step of entering camp without a mishap. The trappers were not hung over today since the whiskey ran out when Skalkaho left camp three days ago.

The powwow could start with a fresh load of bear meat. Running Eagle carefully set aside the hide and claws as key items for "their" survival later on during her journey. It took a brief morning of intense work skinning out the bear and saving key bear items for her journey. Jacques was the first to start the direct conversation with Skalkaho.

"What news do you bring from the Blackfoot", asking with some sarcasm in his voice?

Skalkaho began his storytelling, "I'll tell you of my journey first and then tell you about trapping second."

He was cranking up his big windy as western jargon often referred to as bragging rights. The trappers had long run out stories and were eager to hear what new stories Skalkaho would have. They were most eager about what deal he had made with the Blackfeet for a trapping territory. Skalkaho knew this before riding into camp and he was working on a way to tell them, the only deal is they had to leave and he had married Running Eagle to get away alive.

His story began, "After leaving camp I rode north using the remaining light for approaching the Piegan's camp. They greeted me with a great curiosity and invited me into the tribe's council lodge. A warrior with a big stick wrapped his arm around me in friendship since I came unarmed. The hunting party who brought me in admired my knives and long gun so I let them have my weapons until we made peace. There was this "most revered warrior princess" in the tent who lead a successful attack against the warring Assiniboine. Her great spirit made her a leader without challenge. I offered to take her to this camp even though she only speaks her native tongue. I knew at least one of you spoke her tongue. It was made clear that the trapping had to stop, but I intervened on that notion with an offer to take Running Eagle off their hands using my (fluent) sign language since I knew no warrior would marry her. The chiefs agreed that I take Running Eagle."

Smiley, the whaler spoke up, "what about trapping Skalkaho, do we get to trap?"

This was the awkward moment Skalkaho feared, there was no deal made for trapping. 

He continued, "In fact, Running Eagle was sent to have the trapper's clear out or they would be killed at this camp. A war party is only miles from this gathering hiding out of sight awaiting Running Eagle's return and a message of how the parley went. They are waiting for us trappers to pack up and leave." 

Skalkaho had to think fast or they would be all killed by this imaginary Blackfoot war party except Running Eagle would be saved. It was not time to save face in front of his trapping brothers or Running Eagle. Being cornered like this made Skalkaho at his best. No plans just grit.

Skalkaho started a plan "B" exclaiming, "The deal is, we are all going to die if we don't leave now! They are waiting only a half hour away if no move is made they will attack. There are about a hundred warriors out there making sure we all leave. If the answer is yes we will go, only by sending Running Eagle back. An answer "no" by not sending her back at all!"

Skalkaho's was once again talking out of his hat and the trappers bought-in to the story. He didn't know if warriors were out there forming an attack within the hour nor did he know if Running Eagle understood what just happened at this camp. He needed to get everyone out alive and a cornered Skalkaho was no match for a lot of trapper's standing around his storytelling.

The way out depended on Running Eagle's own instincts. The trapper "husband" knew he had to win her over as a trusted partner before she would even enter this camp. Little he did know something on trail happened making him, someone to count on without even her saying or he showing off. 

The Meadow Lark singing earlier in the day told Running Eagle all she had to know about Skalkaho. He could not hide his character while even riding into impossible odds. His silent facial expressions told her the truth about his character when this Meadow Lark began to sing its bird's chirp causing an expression expanding across Skalkaho's countenance from pure joy. The Indian Warrior knew everything she needed to know about her man. She turned her head away from him at that moment towards the mountains and once again grinned softly in her own private world. 

The trappers were mulling over Skalkaho's words and time was running out on every scheme currently in play. She grabbed Skalkaho leather sleeve and pointed back towards the north. The trappers knew what she was telling the rendezvous by her actions. It was time to go for the all parties and some were already packing for the trip away from the Blackfeet threat. 

The others pealed back towards the livestock as they began a retreat from the rendezvous camp within the hour. Skalkaho was not lacking in intuition, he knew that he and his "wife" must also retreat back to the last evenings camp as it would be hard for anyone tracking them up the Mud Creek drainage. He swung himself easily onto his mount gesturing Running Eagle to do the same. A quick reign input snapped the horses back into the direction going north and west.

The two horses began a moderate canter out of the camp. When they would reach the next bench-top north, Skalkaho would turn and survey the horizon for any following trappers. There were none, his story worked. He had to just figure a way back for Running Eagle, the warrior princess. The couple approached last night's campsite. Skalkaho becomes nervous over stopping for the evening. A lot could happen before morning and he wanted to be back on his own as soon as possible. Running Eagle was strangely avoiding Skalkaho's occasional glances. Only when reaching this campsite did Running Eagle become preoccupied with setting up the camp. Skalkaho went hunting for anything to eat near-by or within a half mile of camp.

By the time he came back with a Blue Grouse hanging from his belt, 

Image result for Blue Grouse
Blue Grouse

Running Eagle had already made a place to sleep behind those same bushes she had the night before. The bear hide was not cured or tanned as of yet so scant bedroll was the order of the day. Skalkaho began his trudge up the hill to his assign lookout point found during the prior day's events. Running Eagle walked behind him and tugged on his sleeve once more. 

This time it was not for her leaving danger but for embracing her own dangers as an extremely persuasive women warrior. Skalkaho chooses not to be stubborn but came back with her to her sleeping spot. Surrendering is sometimes the best thing to do, so he wanted to believe. This time his surrender started the whole story of the mysterious Benjamin Skalkaho and his fame.

Skalkaho Chapter Six: High School, 1970 and Vietnam


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