Skalkaho Chapter 4: Falling Running Eagle And Skalkaho Join As One
Skalkaho Chapter 4: Falling Running Eagle And Skalkaho Join As One
She was much celebrated as a warrior with her people, yet her Piegan family turned her away with a white trapper named Skalkaho. They were married in the tribe's eyes, yet her husband was quickly figuring out a way to win her over or ditch his plan.
As Skalkaho was riding beside her his admiration for her beautiful looks intensified. Her jet black hair rested past her shoulders as if a fine silk that was never before acquired from any exotic place. The eyes were brown disks full of fire and pride. Her courage oozed from her like no other native Indian he had ever seen. Skalkaho was smitten by her golden smooth face making him hide his intentions before he could win her heart.
The trapper had a careless intensity for which Running Eagle was attracted. She noticed he was built for the rugged trail ahead of them and he had the looks of a strong man without a blemish. His unkempt hair and medium beard hid his fine looks from any squaw eyes that were distracted by his trail wear and tear appearance. Running Eagle was taking her own measure of this man and had no interest in forming a bond with this trapper.
However, his own native persona punctured through to her heart. He was different than the men in her own village and it attracted her when noticing who Skalkaho was as a white man. He had to prove his worth before any working relationship could exist.
Skalkaho did not like the prospect of just riding into his Blackleaf camp with a bunch of rowdy trappers needing female companionship. There was no hope for either of the two in this situation, so Skalkaho turned west toward the continental divide. His forceful turnabout directed the two towards a wall of mountains with a crease in it suggesting the source of the drainage. It wasn't long until reaching a roll in the bench pitching them down leading them to the bottom drainage creek. In a few moments, the traverse downward brought them to the shade of a few cottonwoods. A pleasant place for a rest for chewing on some jerky or pemmican from the saddle bag. It hid them from view for many miles for those who might trail them from the north or the south. They would follow the creek towards the mountains.
The only danger remained came from the mountains with a disruption of immense proportions. After a couple more hours the trail would bring them towards a lazy evening. The only peace they had was disrupted by hornets and horse flies. The pest went away when rounding a bend in the drainage. As the bottom trail faced westward towards the mouth of the nearby mountain valley the canyon breeze pushed the pest away. It was about three miles or another two hours before they would make a camp in the mouth of the creek's canyon. Skalkaho had found the muddy creek drainage out near his Blackleaf camp, or about 10 miles from the trapping party digs.
Muddy Creek Canyon Not far from Skalkaho's First Camp out from Running Eagles Home.

The trouble began when Skalkaho spurred his horse up the creek as he knew a good place to stay from prying eyes. It was rocky, the closer the mountains became. The tracking by potential scouts would be difficult since the trail no longer made a path in the rocks.
The horse screamed and he went flying, a grizzly bear appeared between him and Running Eagle. Her horse bucked hard and sent Running Eagle flying as well. It was fortunate Skalkaho didn't let go of the reign. He was able to pull the horse about as he grabbed his loaded long gun. He had only one shot and he had about two seconds to make it before Running Eagle would be done in by this big massive 1,200 pound Grizzly bear.
Skalkaho took his time with the shot. The bear stood up what seemed like it was 12 feet tall. The story from this adventure, telling his trapper friends, would make it that tall. The pause gave him a better than average chance of hitting his target. It started to hunch down from his initial stance so it could go after Running Eagle lying still only 10 feet away from its jaws. The moment was perfect and crack went Skalkaho's gun. One shot and one bear dead was the result. The bear slumped only a few feet from Running Eagle's exposed legs.
The trapper with a plan went over to Running Eagle's side checking if she was alright. He got a big smile from her for the first time. He just saved her life and her smile recognized Skalkaho as a worthy mate. The arrogance of his persona melted into oblivion as Running Eagle stole his heart in a glance. They were to be one. Things had changed in one brief moment and the bear was going to feed them for several days. It was going to provide them with materials for making a lodge. There was no sense in pushing on to the Blackleaf camp at this time. The trail stopped next to the great bear.

The evening closed in on the small party almost immediately and the scene grew awkward. Here the big shot trapper is bedding down with the big shot warrior princess. There was no improvisation for the moment. Honesty revealed its ugly head. The time had come for Skalkaho to be the man that was hiding from everyone. In a slight gesture, he pointed to a spot where he thought Running Eagle would like.
Behind a bush with privacy and a clear view of all approaches. Skalkaho chooses a spot higher up so he could guard their position with an advantage. Running Eagle got the message well. Skalkaho was going to protect her first before anything else would happen to either of them. It made her smile again.
Skalkaho's slight and little actions convinced Running Eagle he was the man for her. Those "left behind" warriors were no match for Skalkaho and an important ally like Skalkaho would run the trapper's out of the Blackfeet's country, The chiefs were right, she needed to travel at Skalkaho's side on a most important mission for the Piegans.
On the other hand, Skalkaho was reviewing the day's event. He had a great con about on how the Hudson Bay trappers would receive Running Eagle. After all, he didn't gain trapping rights from the Blackfoot nation for whom reviled the trappers as a menace. The Blackfoot wanted trappers moved away or put away as a threat. Skalkaho didn't fully realize how lucky he was escaping the Blackfoot without losing his life. Only Running Eagle presence yesterday in the councils lodge saved his life. For which Skalkaho assumed it was his own quick thinking and wit saved him from certain death. He would not know how much Running Eagle was beginning to love him until their lives continued its journey.
Skalkaho Chapter 5: The Rendezvous Breaks
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